Collection: DIFFUSERS

Utilizing innovative cold-air diffusion technology, these diffusers effectively disperse pure fragrance oils without the need for water or heat, preserving the integrity and potency of each scent. 



Frecuently Asked Questions

How often do I clean my diffuser?

In order to maintain a healthy diffuser, you must clean it every 3 months.

How can I clean my diffuser?

Once the diffuser bottle is empty, re-fill it with pure alcohol and let it work in full intensity for at least 10 minutes.

Are HVAC difffusers safe for my AC system and ducts?

Yes! Our latest technology of cold air diffusion transforms the scent oil into nano-particles mist. Recommendations:

  • Follow the instructions to properly install the diffuser.
  • The mist must be inserted in the supply system, NOT below the AC unit or (return system)

Can I use any fragrance oil with my diffusers?

Our fragrance oils are specifically designed for cold diffusion techonology to ensure designed performance. Any other low-quality oils could potentially damage your diffuser and surroundings.